One of the biggest coffee shop chains in Finland, Espresso House, is launching the Nordic region’s first an all-you-can-drink option for customers - which could be a hit in a country with a caffeine addiction!
For a monthly fee of €14.90 on the app, Espresso House customers can drink as many cups of filter coffee or tea as they want. Orders don’t even have to be given to staff in the queue, they can just be picked up straight from the counter - the only limitation is one cup per hour, so that subscribers aren’t getting free drinks for their friends.
“The unlimited coffee card is a new kind of concept, and we believe in it really strongly. We are excited to be the first café operator to introduce this service in the Nordic countries and Germany” says Santtu Hellström, country manager for Espresso House Finland.
“Finns drink the most coffee in the world and at Espresso House we want to offer everyone the opportunity to have top-quality coffee at a very attractive price” he adds.
The company has 460 branches across the Nordic region, with 57 cafes in Finland. The new unlimited coffee or tea offer is in part inspired by other on-demand services where users pay a fixed monthly fee.
“In other areas, more is being done all the time. There are gym memberships, Netflix and whatever, but on the food and beverage side, no player has gone to great lengths yet” Espresso House CEO John Nylén tells Talouselama.
The monthly cost of the service equates to around 4-5 cups of filter coffee, depending on the size of the cup.